Σάββατο 12 Μαρτίου 2011

TURKEY IN EUROPE! A long way to go, and if!...

What did Greece give to Europe? Even its name, "Europe" (means "Open eyed"), ideas, "democracy, philosophy"...
Turks stormed here in the area in earlier years, as fanatic conquerors, to spread Islam. This menace was stopped outside Vienna... Christians in the region (Greeks, Armenians, Slavs. Hungarians and others) suffered for many years under Ottomaqn rule, until finallly the ideas of FREEDOM & DEMOCRACY prevailed in Europe and the World. Turks want us to believe that they are different from their past, they have changed. Without admitting the genocide of Greeks and Armenians in Pontos, East Turkey. By invading Cyprus, a Member of the UN and EU, destroying its Greek cultural wealth, performing ethinc cleansing. By threatening Greece, its neighbour, member of UN & EU, with war, if the rule of law is applied in the Aegean Sea. They even remind us of their presence in Crete, another Greek island, where they stayed as invaders - coquerors.... They ask their victims to say "thank you and we miss you!...
Cyprus: A Greek island, 80% Majority Greeks, lived in peace with Turkish Cypriots, until the war of indpendence against Colonialism, when Turks took side with the colonial power. Now HUNDREDS OF MOSQUES appear in our deserted villages, and OUR CHURCHES ARE DESTROYED by Turks.
This is the country that wants to join Europe: Without accepting European standards and values!... Time, democracy, freedom, can change - improve nations - Turkey must try harder, accepting these values first...

2 σχόλια:

DIOs είπε...

"...@NormanConquest: Of course not! Europe can exist as free and democratic place with people who accept the values of Freedom, Democracy, Humanity. We Greeks accept this, but no offend, we are proud of our ancestors! One of those philosophers said, making differentiation between "Greeks and Barbarians" those days: "Greek is everyone who accepts the values of civilisation". Today, we can say: "European is everyone who accepts the values of Freedom, Democracy, Humanity"...."

DIOs είπε...

@Draganovic: There is no antiislam sentiment or even antiTurk. We want back our homes in occupied Cyprus, we want to live in peace at the place our parents, grandparents grand grand parents lived... Turkey does not allow that! We do not look in the past, we look in the future. Turkey wants to behave as in the years of conquering the lands of "infideles" (non muslim). It is written in many history books the effort of Ottoman Turks to conquer Christian Europe, as I mentioned in an earlier post, they were stopped finally ourtside Vienna by Eugene of Savoy!... Thanks for your admiration of Greek philosophers. We appreciate that, hoping that their philosophies teach both us nGreek and ourn friends!...